Sunday, March 18, 2007


13 Mar 2007.. It was the day when I left the company where I have been working for nearly 2.5 years... for a new career opportunity which I believe would be more promising..

I took one day rest and set off for the new challenges on 15 Mar 2007... It was a "not so exciting" first day though.. Apparently the HR and my boss has had some mis-comm and landed me in an awkward position... Although my boss had apologised over the chaos.. I am still not feeling very comfortable about it.. Anyway it's all over.. I should not keep dwelling over it..

However it is on the day itself that I realised that I am alone in the team and this situation is going to last for 1 to 2 months.. As my boss is not based in Singapore yet.. I am "adopted" by another team and should pick up my skills from there.. Working alone is not a problem to me at all.. But it's the office politics that I am worrying about... After I understand the situation better.. I foresee more politics coming in.. And it feels really lonely to face all these alone.. However this is my own choice.. There is no turn back and I am just going to endure with it and move on.. After all it's just 1 or 2 months.. I believe my effort would be paid off some day.. :)


Anonymous said...

Good Luck!

潇洒走一回(少俊) said...

Definitely. You dont have any chance to turn back now. As such, just move on with all your heart~~~