Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Move out? Wait up...

Feel very bored at work recently.. feeling that I am repeating some routime job that has no values... The job nature itself is going nowhere.. I really don't feel like continuing.. however... I am not willing to give up just like that either.. because if I leave now.. I would never know what would I get in return for all the efforts I have put in this year... and I haven't got the chance to voice out and fight for what I want.. I don't even yet have the chance to fight for myself and receive the outcome .. How can I just give up? So..I will just wait up...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

A New Look... Some updates...

You know... As I have spent very little time and effort to maintain my blog.. And I feel quite upset about it actually.. I have decided to give it a new look today by switching to a new template.. Haha... this is the easiest and fastest way to make the blog look a bit different... comparing to sitting in fornt of my computer.. cracking my head to think of what to write for the new post... and enduring the lousy performance of the wireless network connection...

Actually I have been quite relax at work for the past weeks.. Partly because I managed to clear several complicated and time consuming projects off my work list... and another reason is that I am getting demotivated about continuing with the job.. I find it meaningless to continue the job like this.. I need more kicks to keep my going on... otherwise.. I may need to consider the other options.. and in fact I have already started to prepare myself for that posssibility.. it just started this week.. and I hope that I would have the motivation to keep it up... but I know it's difficult.. as I grow older.. I tend to get less self disciplined... I know about it..:-p

Today I have been quite wilful... I saw the guy who I don't really like... or more precisely.. despised.. was eating bee hoon for the breakfast.. and I just can't help saying something nasty to him.. I said: "Hey.. your bee hoon looks liek rubber band leh".. It's a silly comments right?? I know it.. If it were other people.. I think I would not have say it out although this is really what I was thinking at that moment.. But to him.. and today.. I just let it out.. I don't care.. People might think.. "Hey.. how old are you already.. Can't you just be matured a bit?".. Haha.. who cares.. Just want to let the wilful side of me out once a while...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The very french France - Episode 3 (Chateau de Versailles)

My main purpose of visiting Paris this time is to take a look at the famous Chateau de Versailles.. which is also known as 凡尔塞宫 in Chinese... It used to serve as the palace of the French Kings and exixted for nearly 3 centuries, and yet, it is still being regarded as the most beautiful palace in Europe... Before I visited that place.. I was most interested in the Hall of Mirrors... Now.. I still think that this is one of the best part of the palace.. While I was walking along the hall, I can't help imaginging pictures of people dancing in the ball wearing their 18-century constumes.. Here, I shall present you the pictures of the hall...


自从法国回来后,几乎每天在公司里都忙得要命...今天特地提早回家.. 打定主意今晚一定要过得轻轻松松...在洗澡的时候想起工作上一些为完成的部分明天要怎么继续.. 然后又想着待会儿要做些什么.. 想着想着.. 突然有一种如释重负的感觉.. 整个人觉得很轻松愉快... 我想...快乐与否, 幸不幸福都是相对的....

难得悠闲.. 不是因为太忙了.. 反而可能是因为平时本来就不怎么忙.. 根本无法体会那种难得的滋味...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The very French France - Episode 2 (艳遇?厌遇!)

Haha.. Seems that somebody is very curious if I have any romantic encounter in France.. Sorry to disappoint you guys.. the answer is NO!!! And contradictorily.. I met a very disgusting guy... yuck...

It was on the last day of my stay in France... a very coolling and beautiful morning.. the sun was warm.. and the sky was blue... I was at this beautiful and famous catheral in Paris, Sacre Coeur... alone of couse... and a japanese guy who I thought should be in his 50's and was short and porky.. He approached me and ask me in Japanese if I am "Nihon Jin".. And as I just naturally replied in Japanese "IIe".. and the conversation didn't stop here.. He starts to talk more in his very very broken English and ask if I was in Paris for study or work... where I planned to go later on... blah... blah..blah..... things like that... Out of courtesy.. I replied him in English mixed with my very very broken Japanese... And without paying much attention.. I was walking with him away from the main building and stroll down a road downhill.. (FYI.. the church was very high up in a hill) and half way.. he started to ask me if I wan to have dinner with him.. he told me he is an artist/painter...and was having exhibition in Paris now.. then he pointed to me where his hotel located.. I started to sense something was not going tight.. So I rejected his offer by telling him I was leaving that night and cannot have dinner with him.. and I need to rush to the next destination as I have not much time left.. and before I go.. he showed the gesture to hug me.. well.. as we are in France... I thought this is a courtesy to accept this.. BUT................ I regretted it almost immediately.. this disgusting old man kissed my cheeks... you know in France.. when people hugged you ... they would only touched your cheeks with theirs.. not the lips... they would never kissed you if you are of opposite sex.. walao.. so disgusting...

After I left.. I used the tissue to wipe my face immediately.. It really ruined my beautiful morning.. and I was not able to release the frustration for quite some time... and finally.. I managed to calm down thanks to the artist playing harp in front of the church... and after I came back home.. I used the exfoliator to scrub my face .. this is really and very 讨厌的遭遇.. 厌遇!!!

Nonetheless.. however bad the experience was.. I am going to show you the beautiful Sacre Coeur.. Here it is...........

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The very french France - Episode1

Last week I went to France for a training conducted at the HQ... It was at a small town known as Gemenos, located in Southern France nearby Marseille, the second large city of France... Before my departure, my colleagues had warn me to prepare to be very bored over there since I would not be driving...

And it proved that they were quite right.. There's basically nothing much other than factories around the hotel.. except for 2 other hotels and 2 restaurant..The first 2 days there I already felt very bored.. Luckily there was another colleague from another department who arrived there one week earlier than me.. and as he would be staying for a month, the company had rented him and apartment... So I joined him for dinner at his place... It's really very difficult in France if you do not speak their language.. especially in a small town like this.. If you are not driving.. you may still take the public bus to go the a supermarket nearby .. provided that you knwo how to speak French.. On my first day there, my colleague brought me to the hypermarket abt 20 mins away from the office by bus.. and unlike the buses here in Singapore or Malaysia, the bus did not have a bell.. so you need to tell the bus driver where you want to stop.. of course, in French.. Do not expect a bus driver in such suburban town would understand English... And it happened that my colleaugue knows how to speak French.. So one month here in this "ulu"place is not a problem for him.. If it was me.. Hehe.. I think I would have a big big big problem surviving there...

I was so tired on my first day there.. but this is not due to the different time zone.. they are only 6 hours slower than us.. so if was not really a big problem.. It was the long haul plan that caused the tiredness.. I was taking Air France, I think it is very ridiculous that they actually serve you meal after 12am midnight on the 11pm fight, which I had planned to go into sleep immediately after boarding the plane.. and after taking the meal.. it's nearly 2.. and finally when u really feel teh sleepiness, it's abt 3am already.. and my goodness.. I was not able to get the asle seat.. So I ended up being sandwich between two French guys.. the seat was so cramp that I suffered inside whole night.. the guy who sit by the asle was a very big sized man and he slept through the whole night.. and as if thing had not been bad enough.. he snored!!! Faint...

As a result I was cramped inside the seat enduring the snores and not able to get into sleep.. But it was still not the end.. You know I was supposed to take a connecting flight from Paris to Marseille.. and then I can get back to the hotel with a short break and then go to the office for the training at the afternoon session... there was three hours between the flight and I felt a bit hungry already.. but taking a look at the food sold at the airport.. alamak.. all are in French.. and priced very expensively.. so I thought I would just bear with it and ask for some snacks on the flight.. and sueh sueh.. the flight is delayed by one hr.. so after I reached the hotel ro check in and put down my luggage, I rushed to the hotel immediately.. and I spent some time to find my way to the office.. and of course I am late.. and in the eveningl.. I was already so sleepy and hungry that I did not know what the trainer was talking about...

*Yawn.. I am so tired now.. did not get to sleep well last night.. going to bed soon.. continue again next time.. Bon Nuit...

Friday, September 21, 2007


今天的心情不太好.. 有点闷闷的.. 因为今天是我前任老板在公司的最后一天.. 过了今天以后应该没有什么机会再见到他了.. 认识他的时间太短.. 觉得很可惜...本来应该可以从他身上学到很多东西.. 可惜.. 唉.. 可惜...

我非常欣赏这个老板.. 虽然只当了他的下属短短的四个月... 其间也对他有一些抱怨.. 可是回想起来.. 还是觉得他真的很棒.. 我最欣赏他的地方就是他非常信任下属.. 既然把你请进来了他就不会质疑你的办事能力与工作态度.. 不仅如此.. 他还非常体贴入微.. 能够察觉下属的不愉快并适时的给予慰问与关怀.. 我想这就是本地管理人员所欠缺的素质.. 而我觉得这种以人为本的管理方式才是最能激发员工潜力并且提高工作效率的方法...

无论如何.. 衷心祝福他往后的发展一切顺利.. 希望以后还会有和他碰面甚至是合作的机会.. 也希望我在新老板的领导下能够有所作为...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


今天分别向朋友和比较要好的同事阐述了我对一名同事的不满.. 我向他们描述了一些我和这同事的互动.. 很显然的,我是比较强势的那一方... 其实认识我的人都知道我是很直来直往的一个人...喜欢或不喜欢常写在脸上.. 即使不骂人脸也会很臭.. 不过我对这同事是采取直接开炮的方式.. 有不满就直接了当的提出.. 完全不留余地..而刚好这个人也常做出让我无法认同却又不能坐视不理的事情..

也因为我觉得他的行为很幼稚,所以就禁不住要用Senior的语气讲他... 被我教训的人当然委屈..而旁观者也觉得我太过强势... 自然同情起被训的人,觉得我在欺负新人.. 基本上听我发牢骚的同事和朋友都觉得我对这同事的行为感到不满是可以理解的.. 但是表达的方式就太直接.. 完全不留情面.. 让人下不了台...原本我觉得我干嘛要留台阶给他..今天的难堪是他一手造成的.. 做错事就要负责..怕丢脸面的话就应该三思而后行... 说得狠一点就是他活该... 可是现在想想... 我也觉得我真的有点过分.. 人家只不过是刚从大学毕业的新鲜人.. 我实在不应该对他太苛刻...毕竟人都有恻隐之心, 往往同情弱势的那一方...这样强势的对待他,只会让人觉得我在欺负新人.. 而且还会让人觉得我盛气凌人,对他们也构成威胁.. 进而对我产生防卫甚至是厌恶心态.. 这点是我应该要早点注意到的..

所以我应该改变一下策略.. 适当的表现出前辈该有的风范与度量..才能以德服人... 赢得众人的爱戴..必要的时候可能也要扮一下委屈.... 哦!! 好虚伪喔........

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Home Sweet Home?? I doubt so...

It has been a bad weekend for me and my families.. My house in JB ws broken in yesterday when we were out for some shopping.. We suffered from some monetary lost.. But nobody has been hurt.. (*Phew) However, I must said this caused a very big blow for my family.. Although we have read many cases of houses being broken in or robbed from the newspaper, we never expect this could happen to us.. I guess many people think the same way too.. "Those people became the victim because they are not careful enough".. Well, if you are thinking this way.. maybe this is time to adjust you thinking..

The case happened during the day time between 12:30pm to 5:30pm.. To some of the friends who has been to my house often, you should know that my house was right facing the main road and the traffic along the road was quite heavy.. There are cars passing by right in front of my house quite often too... But the bad thing about my house is that we have no neighbours.. The few houses next to mine are empty.. And I must say the way they broke into my house was highly "professional".. Here are some pictures showing the mess after the disaster..

As can be seen from the picture, the thief(ves) broke in from the front window.. They would have no chance to break in from the main door because it was heavily locked.. Honestly we never expect the thief(ves) could enter from the window because of the limited space and the strong fence we have installed for the window... After they successlly entered the house, they used a towel to cover the window so that the outsider would not be able to see what was happening inside.. And from the narrow gap made at the window.. we could tell that the thief(ves) must be quite skinny to enter from there...

Now.. let us talk about the efficiency of the Malaysian police force.. When we were back at home at about 5:30pmand discover about the theft, we called the nearby police station immediately.. The police patrol car arrive about 20 minutes later.. I am not complaining about this since this is faster than I had expected..

There were two policemen, one of them was carrying a long gun and lighted up a cigrette while entering my front yard..Wel.. I cannot complain this too... Maybe he was under stressed for carrying the gun... However they refuse to go into the house to take a look and after knowing that nobody got hurt they wanted us to go to make a list of lost items and make a report to the police station later.. And they just drove away..

So my father and sister went on to Ulu Tiram Police Station to make a police report at about 6:30pm.. And after that, they were asked to go to Johor Jaya Police Station to meet the inspector... So they made a trip there and came back at home only at about 8:30pm..

At the mean time.. my mum and I stayed at home and do not dare to touch anything because we thought the policemen may need to come to take the picture for record purpose.. But we were wrong.. when my father and sister were back.. they said the policemen would not take any photo of the mess and we can clean up the place.. Just that we must not touch the glass panels that the thief(ves) had take out because there might be fingerprints left behind.. Well.. if this was important... shouldn't we be receiving the instruction at the very first moment when we make the report? But I have no complaints about this too since I think this is common sense... And the sergeant told my father and sister that he will go home and take dinner and shower first.. then he would come to my house to "collect the evidence"... And indeed.. he came at about 10:30pm..

Actually after all I have no much complaints with the efficiency of the Polis Diraja Malaysia... Just that the last statement made by the sergeant again showed that the criminals had been very common and almost trivial .. and there's no need to be too alert of it.. And seems that there's nothing much they can do also.. And the sergeant even said that "Wow.. the thieves are so daring.." in view of the location of my house being so near to the main road.. And now my families are feeling so insecured to stay there.. and I am very worried about it too.. Hopefully no more such things would happen to us again.. And for you guys who staying in JB... Please be pray more.. as just being careful is not sufficient anymore....

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


友人为上一片帖子留言"找幸福去吧".. 是啊.. 可是要怎样才能找到我要的幸福?? 我是一个很懒的人.. 虽然渴望幸福生活... 可是我还是希望幸福能找上我哩...嘻嘻....

Friday, July 20, 2007


今天早上收到朋友发来的简讯, 觉得很有意思...稍微整理一下在这里和大家分享:

"做人要像在火炉上的水壶...即使火烧屁股, 也要开心地吹着口哨, 嘴里冒着幸福的泡泡..."


Thursday, July 05, 2007

A very sad day...

I almost given up this blog... But today I am so sad and I have nobody to talk to.. and I have to come to this blog again to let my feeling out... Or else I think I will not be able to get into sleep tonight...

Today I have received the news that I would be transfered out from the team that I have always believed I am in and hoping that I would continue to be in.. Although this is not something really surprising in view of the things went on for the past two weeks.. But I am still not feeling comfortable with this especially this news is not conveyed through my existing boss but the new one.. And the new boss seems not to care about my feeling..

Actually strictly speaking.. the team that I had been working in for the past months was not properly formed yet.. The team members are not together.. and the boss is not in Singapore with us too.. And we were looking forward to his arrival in July to "reunion" with us and the team would be properly setup and grow by then.... But the re-org thing came... and it shattered the dream....
Nonetheless.. I am already attached to the team and I think the team spirit had already grew... And I feel really really sad that all the plans that we have been discussing for so long would never come true....

The thing I hate most is I have lost a very good boss... So far my "ex-boss" is one of the few best bosses I have ever had... He is more human.... and always consider about our feeling.. He is very understanding and caring.. and he is handsome too :p But the thing I admire most about him is his high EQ and professionalism.. I believe I would have been able to learn a lot from him.. And it's a shame that I will not be able to do so anymore... Lastly.. I sincerely wish him best for his future career and hope that we will have the chance to meet and work together again..

Saturday, June 23, 2007


今天早上回家途中因为太无聊了.. 于是想了一堆有的没的.. 其中就想到"平凡人" 这个词其实有很多发音相似的词... 而且能很贴切地形容人在不同时候不同的心情...最先想到的是"贫烦人".. 它代表了贫穷有很多烦恼的人... 感觉刚好能够形容我当时的心情... 然后我想到"贫凡人".. 虽然不能一夜之间摆脱贫困.. 但也希望能做个没有烦恼的凡人...无论如何...千万千万不要做一个"颦繁人"... 不要每天都皱起眉头..一来有碍观瞻,二来会长皱纹....其实只是觉得很有意思...想和大家分享一下这个有趣的文字游戏...希望大家天天都做个开心人吧...

Monday, June 18, 2007


今天我那位到香港training两个星期的同事一整天都在跟我说他有多么喜欢香港的美食.. 还有这里的事物有多难吃.. 虽然我一直叫他面对现实.. 不要再耿耿于怀了.. 可是当我考虑今晚的晚餐时..我也产生了同感.. 想到我家楼下咖啡店卖的东西.. 我还真的不想吃.. 虽然我在台湾时并不觉得那里的事物特别好吃 ("鼎泰丰"除外 :P) , 相比之下..这里的食物还真的让我有点食不下咽... 结果今晚我的晚餐就由一个面包和几片饼干搞定..

不过如果要说台北有什么食物是让我想要向大家推荐的,那就是以小笼汤包著称的"鼎泰丰"了.. "鼎泰丰"在台北有三家店..总店在信义区,另外两家分店分别在忠孝敦化南路和忠孝复兴一带... 我去的是"鼎泰丰"敦南店..我曾经向台湾的同时提起我想去"鼎泰丰"尝一尝道地的"鼎泰丰"小笼汤包..为什么呢?因为啊.."鼎泰丰"号称是台湾一等一的小笼汤名店..但是我对他们在新加坡分店的小笼汤水准却.........嗯....顶多只能给60分... 所以我一定要尝一尝台湾总点的水准....结果上星期四晚上两位同时就请我到那里去吃晚餐..

那天我们点了好多好多.. 我们一共4个人..点了两笼小笼包,一笼蟹粉小笼,还有排骨拉面,牛肉汤面,酸辣汤,甜品是千层油糕... 总共花了大约新台币1700元,大概是新币85元...告诉你们.... 当我用筷子夹起地一粒小笼包时,我就知道它不会让我失望..果然当我一口咬下去,小笼包在嘴里"爆"开来,鲜甜的汤汁溢满嘴里的那一瞬间,我有一种幸福的感觉.. 简直是太棒了.. 至于其他的食物就还好..味道和新加坡差不多...

因为很想念那中幸福的感觉.. 在我回来的前一天我有回到同一家店去再次品尝着绝佳的口感.. 因为只有我一个人..我只点了半份小笼, 一碟炒饭和半份菠菜... 没错..是半份.. 本来点菜单上是没有半份的.. 不过服务员看我一个人而已,就主动帮我点了半份... 她们的服务态度是本地业者没办法比的...结果这一餐我花了新台币350元,大约新币17元..不过这次好像没那么好吃... 不知道是不是因为人太多了...







Sunday, June 17, 2007


今天是6月17日,经过一个星期的折腾我终于回来了…这次到台北去收获还算不错.. 除了学到工作上需要的知识,也算看到了台北的轮廓… 虽然每一个天都工作到很迟,没什么时间去逛… 但还是抓紧了最后两天到一些重要景点去晃了晃…

这次我买了很多书回来.. 算一算..天啊!!我竟然 搬了11本书回来.. 很夸张hor.. 不过其中有一本是向朋友借的.. 说真的也不知道会不会看neh :p 好!! 下定决心一定要看..

这个星期到台北不太好.. 天气很闷热.. 偶尔还会下雨.. 最气人的是它哪天不下,却偏偏选在我难得有空出去玩的那几天下.. 真扫兴..

这次还有一个特别的经验… 就是骑机车…第一次骑车真的是有一点怕怕.. 连怎么上车都不会.. 整个行驶过程都很没有安全感.. 唯一保护你的就只有头盔.. 因为怕冷又得要披夹克… 是有点麻烦… 不过有车代步,要到什么地方去还是比较方便的…

说真的我有点不想回来… 不是因为台北有什么好玩.. 只是不喜欢面对回来以后的落寞…还是喜欢在外面溜垯,什么都不用理…无拘无束没烦恼..就算夜夜笙歌也无妨..

无论如何,我回来了..回到一座不属于我的城市.. 回来面对无奈的现实..回到既定的轨迹...继续着不知道为什么而继续的航行...




Saturday, June 09, 2007


明天早上即将起程到台北了.. 并不觉得兴奋.. 反而有一些累...

今天特地到庙里拜拜..祈求这趟行程顺利.. 也顺便为自己就了一只事业签..
是一只中签.. 意思是海底捞月,枉费心机.. 宜静待贵人降临...

祝我一路顺风... 这不仅仅是对明天开始的旅程的期望.. 也是对我人生旅程的期许...

Thursday, June 07, 2007


当我在写上一篇文章的时候,新闻正报道鸡蛋价格又上涨了...而且还是这个星期内的第二次了..看吧!!!之前我说过这是迟早的事..只是这次不是因为禽流感,而是气候暖化造成鸡蛋减产.. 看来连母鸡也受不了温室效应.. 罢工抗议了...


"一波三折".... I guess nobody knows better than me about the meaning of this phrase now... Guess what!! My Taiwan trip might need to be delayed again.. I can only get the confirmation tomorrow.. If it really delays, this would be the 2nd time already...

Honestly I am quite fed up with how the thing goes... It's so irritating.. Originally the trip was planned to start from 3 June until 15 June.. Just two days before the trip, there's some problem with the parts' shipment and it is not able to reach the destination Taiwan on time... As a result the trip was to be delayed by a week and cut to 6 days only.... This was the decision made yesterday and was still valid until this afternoon... At about 3pm today.. I received another email saying that the parts has been shipped to the wrong place... Instead of Taiwan, it's on its way to US now.. It'a amazing isn't it? Just like what my boss had told me.. how much silimarity is there between US and Taiwan? How can such mistake happened? Now they are in the process of tracking the whereabout of the parts....

I am not as exciting over the trip as I first knew about it anymore... Or the frustration is much more than the excitement... I know it's going to be a short trip which is purely work and no fun (if it ever happens), I don't mind about it.. But I really hope that there will be a firm decision and don't keep changing it again.. It's really really really very disturbing.... Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.......

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


首先是上星期六的报纸报导牛奶因为货源短缺而调高价格, 受影响的产品包括炼奶,淡奶及鲜奶..
尤其是炼奶的价格涨幅最大,最高达到4毛钱...可以预计咖啡摊位售卖的饮料价格有可能会调高.. 虽然几个月前已经调整过一次了..

再来就是前天的新闻报导马来西亚减少出口到新加坡的鲜鸭供应量,全鸭的售价已经上调.. 至于鸭饭售价则不受影响..不过可以猜到每盘鸭饭里的鸭肉数量应该会减少...

同一天的新闻还有NETS要调高行政费的消息.. 最离譜的是他们给的理由竟然是为了要提高竞争力..拜托!!现在只有在那间商店需要超过一定限额才能使用信用卡或是要另加大概2%的费用的情况下我才会使用NETS付款....经过调整后NETS的行政费与信用卡差不多..如果商家们要把费用转嫁到消费者身上..以一个消费者的角度来看..用信用卡回更划算... 不但不需马上付款,还能享有积分..我没事干嘛还用NETS 啊?

还有一项发现就是面包也涨价了..昨天到BreadTalk和Crystal Jade 的确MyBread 买面包,发现很多面包的价格都上涨了.. 涨幅介于1到3毛..一粒面包追便宜也要$1.20.. 而且还是最小的那一种.. 真的好贵!!!!

今天还不止这些呢!! 今天新闻说马来西亚的农场再度爆发禽流感.. 虽然鲜鸡与鸡蛋供应暂时不受影响.. 可是如果疫情继续恶化.. 另一轮的涨价是迟早的事..而且抬高价格容易..要等价格回跌可就难了....


Thursday, May 31, 2007


星期天就要启程了.. 如果我明天请假没看到email的话..
如果真的那样也不错.. 白白赚他一个holiday..哈哈!!!
今天早上和老板在msn谈了之后.. 决定暂时把机票改期到10号..

Monday, May 28, 2007


经过了无数次的反反复复.. 老板终于拿定主意..
敲定了我的第一次海外任务.. 让我于6月3日飞往台北.. 15日返新...
为期13日的宝岛行即将开始了...希望一切顺顺利利.. 旅途愉快!!!

有一点遗憾.. 不过没关系..期待八月的婚宴吧!

Monday, May 21, 2007


糟了!中文越来越差... "无所是事"是不是这样写啊???
Anyway... 今天真的是"Zuo Bo" lor...
一接到这个消息.. 真的是 "xian diao" lor..........
今天一整天也没做什么.. 其实也没什么事情做...
所以 正确的说法应该是我一整天也没有找事情做..

很讨厌.. 我宁愿去training或者handle一些project...
所以请不要再说我很好命了!!! 谢谢!!!!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

My Yummy Dinner.. Yum! Yum!

Hi.. Today I am going to show you how to prepare a quicky yet nutritious and yummy dinner for yourself -- The Avocado Salad

What is needed:
1. Avocado x 1/2
2. Tomato x 1
3. Butterhead Lettuce x 1
4. Dragon Fruit x 1 (Optional)
5. Marigold non-fat Aloe Vera yogurt x 1

Wash and cut the fruits and vegetable and dump everything into a bowl, followed by the yogurt. Stir well and it’s ready to eat. It’s easy isn’t it ? The final product looks like this:

How does it look? It’s very tempting and I have had it for my dinner for 2 consecutive nights. Of course the main reason is that I used only half of the Avocado last night and I’ve got to finish off another half by tonight. Remember to use the wrapping paper to wrap up the unused portion of the Avocado up when you keep it in the fridge. Otherwise the surface will turn yellow. However you can just use a spoon to scrap off the surface. The inner part of it is still as fresh.

Avocado is very rich in Vit. E and mono-saturated fat. Vit. E is the essential vitamins for reconstructing damaged tissues and is especially good for the skin and hair... Mono-saturated fat is a kind of heart-friendly fat and can help to lower the unhealthy fats contents in our body. However, as I already have too much fats in my body (Healthy or not.. I just want no more fats!!!), I reduce the potion to use half of the Avocado only… For those who are lean, you may use the whole of the fruit for your salad.

As for the dressing, I am using the non-fat yogurt for the same reason: to reduce intake of fats as possible. However you may switch to use whatever salad dressing as you like… However I think the yogurt tastes better than any of the other types of dressing.. Hehe…

Cost wise it’s quite reasonable also. The Avocado costs me $1.40, tomato is about $0.15, the Butterhead Lettuce is 3 for $2.45 and I used one for the salad, so it’s about $0.80. And the yogurt is 2 for $1.85, so it’s about $0.90 for 1. So added up together, I have spent $3.25 for this meal. It’s about the same as a meal taken at the coffee shop or food court. But it’s much much much healthier and nutritious. And it’s nice to taste too… Just give it a try when you have time and hope you like it.....

By the way I must complain on something.. I bought the Green Tea flavoured NTUC brand soya milk.. It tastes so awful.. Although I am a green tea product lover.. But this is definitely an exception.. So please don't buy it unless you really like bitter soya milk....

Wednesday, May 16, 2007


不是没有东西写.. 而是累得懒得去写...

对了...不知道你们有没有看Deal or No Deal...
我觉得只是so so 而已lor...
唉........ 累........

Sunday, May 06, 2007

快乐笔录 no. 2...



快乐笔录 no. 1...



Thursday, May 03, 2007


第一件不需要我出力.. 只要肯砸钱就行了...

Monday, April 30, 2007



它不单是一首极不简单的情歌... 它还是一首浪漫,极具诗意的情歌..

可是当我再度听见这首歌时.. 我却被它优美的旋律深深吸引...
听着听着.. 开始觉得好象也只有这把嗓音能把这首歌诠释得这么好..





Thursday, April 26, 2007

An old classmate...

Today I met an old classmate in an industrial exhibition.......
Actually I can't really recognise him as his appearance is quite different from what I knew before... It's him who recognise me first...

The first thing he asked when he saw me was " Do you have a name card?"...
As I do not have any... And he gave me his.... Wow.. guess what I saw on it?
The company is a renowned telco service provider... and ... the designation is manager..
Well.. ok..... No wonder he was so keen at exchanging the business card... Hahahaha........

Wednesday, April 25, 2007


刚接到消息... 好友有可能会到我的公司上班..
而且是和我在同一组... 一旦被成功录取,我们有极大可能成为partner..
这对我来说当然是好消息.. 但是也觉得有点矛盾...
从好的方面想.. 我在工作上就多了一个可靠的伙伴..
但换个角度看.. 我们就成了竞争对手了...
而且我知道他的薪水平比我高很多.. 还真的有点不平衡呢..
再说啊...我觉得他很厉害.. 头脑很棒...
不过啊...话虽如此.. 几经考虑后我觉得还是利多于弊...
所以...加油吧!朋友.. 希望我们一起奋斗的一天能实现..
Good Luck!! :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2007


时间过得很快.. 换了新工作已经一个半月了....
还在学习阶段.. 没有什么实质工作...
可是这两天觉得有一些压力... 觉得自己学习的速度有点慢...
都已经一个月了为什么还是什么都不懂.. 或者应该说是似懂非懂...
希望能快点上手.. 早点搞清楚状况.. 这样对日后的工作进展也有好处..

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Long time no see..

Hehe.. sorry sorry..
Long time never update my blog already..
Because really nothing much to update ler..
As SJ said..my life is just too routine.. Nothing special lah...
Furthermore my new company blocks access to bloggers website..
And it's quite difficult for me to gain internet access at home..
So............ Hehe...

Just to share with you guys about my new job lah..
I have been working at the company for 1 month..
So far I am at the learning stage.. or so called the "honeymoon" period... I am attached to a senior to help her up on some projects and pick up the skills at the same time.. It's quite fun.. but the progress is slow.. Because the senior is always busy and it's very difficuit to get her to answer all my questions..... Although I think I could have done more than what I am doing now....but I am not sure what more can I do.. Hmm.. need to give a serious thought about it really.. This time I am really serious in making some difference for my career.. So wish me good luck bah ;)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Something to share...

Hi.. I would like to share with you guys the two albums I like most recently... They are "Superman" from Gary, and "Keep fighting" from Tank...

Personally I feel that the two of them are two of the most outstanding and talented artistsamong the young artists... I am not good at writing comments for the songs.. It's better that you listen to them for yourself.. Hope you won't be disappointed ;-)

Cheers.. Everybody!!

Last week I heard some bad news about my last company..
Things are not looking very good there...

Many people told me that I am lucky to have been able to avoid the chaos.. Funny that every time people say this to me.. I would think that "Yeah.. I might have escaped from this disaster as of now.. but who knows how things will go here.." Well.. I admit that I am a pessimist...

A bit surprised by how the development over such a short period.. After all when I heard the news I have just left the company for 1 week... Anyway... life still goes on.. Very often things are not of our control.. and there's really nothing to moan over.. So just let it be..

Cheers! :0)

Sunday, March 18, 2007


13 Mar 2007.. It was the day when I left the company where I have been working for nearly 2.5 years... for a new career opportunity which I believe would be more promising..

I took one day rest and set off for the new challenges on 15 Mar 2007... It was a "not so exciting" first day though.. Apparently the HR and my boss has had some mis-comm and landed me in an awkward position... Although my boss had apologised over the chaos.. I am still not feeling very comfortable about it.. Anyway it's all over.. I should not keep dwelling over it..

However it is on the day itself that I realised that I am alone in the team and this situation is going to last for 1 to 2 months.. As my boss is not based in Singapore yet.. I am "adopted" by another team and should pick up my skills from there.. Working alone is not a problem to me at all.. But it's the office politics that I am worrying about... After I understand the situation better.. I foresee more politics coming in.. And it feels really lonely to face all these alone.. However this is my own choice.. There is no turn back and I am just going to endure with it and move on.. After all it's just 1 or 2 months.. I believe my effort would be paid off some day.. :)

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Nice Japanese Buffet.......

Have you ever heard of a Kuishin-bo?
This is a restaurant located at Suntec City which serves very nice Japanese Buffet.. I have long wanted to dine there and finally.. I went there on last Thursday..

The price is a bit at the high side.. S$31.80++ during the weekdays and S$39.80++ on the weekends.. For ladies, you can go on Wednesday night because they have a special 2 hour promotion at a rate of S$25.80++ on that day exclusively for ladies only :)

However... even for the non-discounted price I think it is very worth... The spread is quite impressive.. Haha .. Can you imagine that with this price you can enjoy endless supply of the Atlantic King Crabs? Although you can't expect to get the top grades at this price.. such serving could have cost you a few hundred bucks in a decent restaurant......... And to me the quality is actually not bad.. (Maybe this is the first time i tried this type of crab and can make no comparisons.. hehe :p)

The meat is very sweet and juicy... And the restaurant is not stingy at replenishing the supply at all.. You will never see the counter empty.. On the other hand.. you keep noticing the chef topping up the crabs.. Yummy!

The next thing is the sashimi.. there are more than 5 different types of fish for you selection.. And most importantly is they are very fresh.... Wow.. It's a heaven for sashimi lovers... Other dishese included in the spreads are sushi, temaki, teppanyaki, kaninabe (the paper steamboat), and a lot more... Other than the main dishes, the restaurant serves a variety of japanese dessert as well... They even got the chocolate fountain.. although I don't find it attractive at all.. haha...Instead, I would recommend the Japanese desserts... Not all of them are nice..but I think it worth a try.. As the Japanese dessert is not cheap even when you get it from the Isetan supermart, not to mention from a Japanese Restaurant..

In conclusion, this is the buffet dinner that I think most worthy so far.. And I would love to go there again if I have the chance :)

Thursday, March 01, 2007


其实战火一直在我的身边点燃着.. 只是身份太过卑微而无法察觉..

Friday, February 23, 2007


猪年到了。。。。 在新的一年里主要的心愿就是:

1. 即将换新的工作。。。希望有好的发展。。。。
2. 生肖运程说今年桃花旺盛。。 希望能遇到我的如意郎君。。。。
3. 成功改变以往得过且过的生活态度。。。能变得积极乐观。。。。

希望大家也能心想事成。。。。 "猪“ 事顺意。。。。

I am back!!!

Haha.. It has been a long time since I last updated my blog..
The reason being that I am very busy at work nd have no time to do it during teh office hour..
and I do not have internet access at home...

When I finally have time to do that today..
I found that I have forgotten the blogger username and password...
Haha.. anyway today is a good day..

I managed to recover the username and password..
and found a way to connect to the free Wireless@SG network at home..
But actually I borrowed this wireless network adapter from my colleague for 1 day only..
sigh.. think I have to get one soon...