Wednesday, December 20, 2006


接连下了几天的雨.. 终于出太阳了..
昨晚我还用Hair Dryer 把晒了两天没干而发出霉味的衣服”风干”..

不禁想起一句话.. “太阳不会因为乌云的阻挡而消失…”
是啊.. 雨过总会天晴的..

Friday, December 15, 2006

Are you busy?

Have you ever encountered this?
When you are busy, you can think of a lot of things that you want to do.. But as you are busy, you are not able to do these tasks.. However, when you finally become free.. You just can't remember what are those things that you "planned" to do during the busy period.. And end up you do nothing.. And the cycle will just repeat itself such that you will remember those tasks again when you get busy..

Sound complicated? Yeah.. I guess so.. This is what I have been going through in my life..

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What a busy week...

Well.. there were a lot of activities going on last week and there were so many things I wanted to share with you.. However, I was quite busy for the week and eventually gave up the idea of updating the blog..

So why were I so busy for the past week? Well.. My lead was on leave for the week.. She had asked me to take care of her projects.. And it just happened that two of the projects had came to their critical stages last week.. And I have my own project to handle as well.. so.. it's kind of overload for me.. Anyway I admit that I am not that kind of capable career woman :p..

My lead is back to work today.. And I am not better off.. Because I did not handle one of the project correctly and she just told me off for not managing properly... Now she is finding the alternative to solve the problem I have created.. while I am updating my blog here :-(

I am actually quite sad now.. Because it is really my fault.. Actually I didn't try to manage it at all last week becuase the event is on tomorrow and I thought I would just wait for her to come back and settle it on her own.. But.. it seems that she expected me to handle for her as well..

There is another thing that add on to her bad impression on me... I was supposed to start a new project last week.. This project has to be done by mid of Jan 2007... As I was so busy last week.. I thought I can finally start it today.. However this morning when my lead asked me about the project status and I told her that I have not started it because I have no time...She immediately made the decision to pass this project to another colleague of mine.. Surprisingly I have no strong feeling this time... Just let it be.. I try not to upset with such things any more...

Honestly, I have thought last week was a good time for me to show my capability and impressed my lead.. However it seems that I have messed it up.. And last Saturday there was some issues on the software and my QA colleague had requested me to come back an dsolve it.. But I just told him and my lead that I am going back home and I asked my colleague to stand in for me.. Our performance appraisal was coming in this 2 weeks.. I guess all these events would summed up for a bad mark for me.. I don't want to think about it now.. Just let the nature takes the course.. Anyway I have asked for it myself.. What else can I expect... Haha..

Thursday, December 07, 2006



知足常乐.. 是我今天的领悟.. :-)

Monday, December 04, 2006


尽管我已经很努力了.. 却还是无法挽回既定的结果..
似乎已经走到了尽头.. 在怎么努力也是徒然..

已经很累了.. 却还是不舍得放弃. 是不甘心吗?

说真的.. 长这么大还是第一次有这么无奈与无助的感觉..

YEAH!! JLPT is over!!!

Hurray!! My JLPT exam was over yesterday..
Although it’s only level 4 but I am glad that it’s over…

The result should be out in March 2007…
However I have no absolute confidence to pass the exam…
There were 3 parts in the exam: vocabs, listening and grammar...

The first paper, which was the vocabularies, looked fine… out of 40 questions there were only about 3 to 5 questions that I was unsure… It was about the same for the grammar part… The terrible part was the listening… The questions were played from a tape recorder and we were supposed to listen to the questions carefully and answer the questions… Although the tape condition was much much much better than what I had expected (I had expected a very noisy and speedy conversations), I was still not able not able to catch the dialogue contents. Out of 17 questions, there were only 3 questions that I know what I was listening… terrible right?

Of course it is the best if I can pass since I have put in so much money and efforts on it… And I don’t think I want to sit for anymore exam (not even the next level)… But even if I failed, it doesn’t really matter… Because there is no requirement for me use the Japanese language in any way… unless I can save enough money to go to Japan… Anyway I would just keep my finger cross and hope for the best outcome in March next year.. :-)

Friday, December 01, 2006

To the very special YOU..

This is a simple and short poem specially dedicated to a good friend of mine..
This is a piece of advice, as well as my best wishes for you..
Hope that you will find your way someday..

"It's not easy to meet someone you love
Be grateful when you finally found one..
Do cherish if you really care..
Don't do things that hurt people who love you..
Define your goal and hang on to it..
Be truthful and focused..
You will eventually be getting whatever you deserve.."