Wednesday, December 20, 2006


接连下了几天的雨.. 终于出太阳了..
昨晚我还用Hair Dryer 把晒了两天没干而发出霉味的衣服”风干”..

不禁想起一句话.. “太阳不会因为乌云的阻挡而消失…”
是啊.. 雨过总会天晴的..

Friday, December 15, 2006

Are you busy?

Have you ever encountered this?
When you are busy, you can think of a lot of things that you want to do.. But as you are busy, you are not able to do these tasks.. However, when you finally become free.. You just can't remember what are those things that you "planned" to do during the busy period.. And end up you do nothing.. And the cycle will just repeat itself such that you will remember those tasks again when you get busy..

Sound complicated? Yeah.. I guess so.. This is what I have been going through in my life..

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

What a busy week...

Well.. there were a lot of activities going on last week and there were so many things I wanted to share with you.. However, I was quite busy for the week and eventually gave up the idea of updating the blog..

So why were I so busy for the past week? Well.. My lead was on leave for the week.. She had asked me to take care of her projects.. And it just happened that two of the projects had came to their critical stages last week.. And I have my own project to handle as well.. so.. it's kind of overload for me.. Anyway I admit that I am not that kind of capable career woman :p..

My lead is back to work today.. And I am not better off.. Because I did not handle one of the project correctly and she just told me off for not managing properly... Now she is finding the alternative to solve the problem I have created.. while I am updating my blog here :-(

I am actually quite sad now.. Because it is really my fault.. Actually I didn't try to manage it at all last week becuase the event is on tomorrow and I thought I would just wait for her to come back and settle it on her own.. But.. it seems that she expected me to handle for her as well..

There is another thing that add on to her bad impression on me... I was supposed to start a new project last week.. This project has to be done by mid of Jan 2007... As I was so busy last week.. I thought I can finally start it today.. However this morning when my lead asked me about the project status and I told her that I have not started it because I have no time...She immediately made the decision to pass this project to another colleague of mine.. Surprisingly I have no strong feeling this time... Just let it be.. I try not to upset with such things any more...

Honestly, I have thought last week was a good time for me to show my capability and impressed my lead.. However it seems that I have messed it up.. And last Saturday there was some issues on the software and my QA colleague had requested me to come back an dsolve it.. But I just told him and my lead that I am going back home and I asked my colleague to stand in for me.. Our performance appraisal was coming in this 2 weeks.. I guess all these events would summed up for a bad mark for me.. I don't want to think about it now.. Just let the nature takes the course.. Anyway I have asked for it myself.. What else can I expect... Haha..

Thursday, December 07, 2006



知足常乐.. 是我今天的领悟.. :-)

Monday, December 04, 2006


尽管我已经很努力了.. 却还是无法挽回既定的结果..
似乎已经走到了尽头.. 在怎么努力也是徒然..

已经很累了.. 却还是不舍得放弃. 是不甘心吗?

说真的.. 长这么大还是第一次有这么无奈与无助的感觉..

YEAH!! JLPT is over!!!

Hurray!! My JLPT exam was over yesterday..
Although it’s only level 4 but I am glad that it’s over…

The result should be out in March 2007…
However I have no absolute confidence to pass the exam…
There were 3 parts in the exam: vocabs, listening and grammar...

The first paper, which was the vocabularies, looked fine… out of 40 questions there were only about 3 to 5 questions that I was unsure… It was about the same for the grammar part… The terrible part was the listening… The questions were played from a tape recorder and we were supposed to listen to the questions carefully and answer the questions… Although the tape condition was much much much better than what I had expected (I had expected a very noisy and speedy conversations), I was still not able not able to catch the dialogue contents. Out of 17 questions, there were only 3 questions that I know what I was listening… terrible right?

Of course it is the best if I can pass since I have put in so much money and efforts on it… And I don’t think I want to sit for anymore exam (not even the next level)… But even if I failed, it doesn’t really matter… Because there is no requirement for me use the Japanese language in any way… unless I can save enough money to go to Japan… Anyway I would just keep my finger cross and hope for the best outcome in March next year.. :-)

Friday, December 01, 2006

To the very special YOU..

This is a simple and short poem specially dedicated to a good friend of mine..
This is a piece of advice, as well as my best wishes for you..
Hope that you will find your way someday..

"It's not easy to meet someone you love
Be grateful when you finally found one..
Do cherish if you really care..
Don't do things that hurt people who love you..
Define your goal and hang on to it..
Be truthful and focused..
You will eventually be getting whatever you deserve.."

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

New Zealand Dream...

My colleague has just cam back from New Zealand for her holiday..
As I am a very kepo person.. I keep bugging her to show me the photos..
Wow.. the pictures are so unreal.. As there are only limited vocabularies available to me..I can only say 3 words:


The scenery is of stunning beauty...
The spectacular view of the ocean.. the ever changing coast line.. the endless greens.. the peaceful town view.. Everything is so breathtakingly beautiful that I hardly can believe that such heaven ever exists..

I think it is a perfect place to be explored by couples..Hope that I would be able to get a partner soon and make a trip there together....
New Zealand.. Wait for us ah!! Haha..

Friday, November 24, 2006


JLPT stands for "Japanese Language Proficiency Test"..
There are 4 different levels available for the test..
with level 4 being the most basic level and level 1 the most advaned level..
I am taking the level 4 this year... and it is taking place on 3 Dec..
which is about 2 weeks away from now..

I have taken 90 hours of Japanese lessons in a Japanese language school and it costs me over S$650 for the course fee.. During the first 20 lessons I was quite confident that I will definitely pass the exam.. However after attending the last 10 lessons... I felt a bit frustrated... Especially after my revision this few weeks.. I am even more worried..
The grammer parts are getting confusing and I think I have mixed them all up..
Maybe I should give myself a short break and start the revision all over again..

All the best to me :)

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Pathetic life...........

Very sianzzzzzzzzzzzz now...
Just had a team meeting with my lead and other team members this morning to update on next year projects.. Before ending the meeting, there is also an announcement of our departments undergoing restructuring... there might be a lay-off coming soon.. The idea is if the company found that you are redundant and they do not know where to put you in after the restructuring....Well.. then you will be the lucky one to go.. In fact, the name list is at the VP's hand now..

By looking at the situations.. I think it is very high chance that I will be the "lucky" one .. Not that I worry too much ok.. This is the conclusion I came out with after some analysis...

Firstly.. let's see what projects are coming next year.. they are mainly from the regions.. This includes Philiplines, Indonesia, Malaysia and Taiwan... with main focus on the Malaysia and Taiwan project...And then we have 4 people in the software teams: colleague A, B, my lead and me..
Now.. let's look at eh project assignment next year:
1. Malaysia and Taiwan Projects -> colleague A (he is my lead's pet and just got increment in June)
2. Philippines and Indonesia project -> colleague B
3. One existing local project which is expected to be completed by end of this year -> me

Did you notice that NO new projects are being assigned to me? And my lead explicitly pointed out that my colleague A will be very busy next year.. I wonder if you have the same question as me now :
"Since colleague A is so busy, why not giving one of his project to me?"

Exactly!! That's the key point... So it is very obvious that who is going to be that "redundant" person next year right??
Ya... I think it's time to have some backup plan now.. sigh...
Why my life is always so pathetic??

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


人的耐性毕竟有限.. 谁也没有义务容忍你的任性..
任性.. 已经不属于我们这年纪了…

(p/s: 以上言论纯属有感而发.. 与笔者个人遭遇决无关系.. 请勿多做联想.. 哈哈..)

Tuesday, November 21, 2006


SJ很喜欢着句话.. 今天也在MSN里写了很多遍..

非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远。”出自诸葛亮54岁时写给他8岁儿子诸葛瞻的《诫子书》。 诸葛草庐中门联:淡泊以明志 宁静而致远 此联出自第37回二顾草庐中。刘、关、张三人跟童子进诸葛草庐,至中门,刘备见门上大书一联。其大意是:不追求名利,生活简单朴素,才能显示出自己的志趣;不追求热闹,心境安宁清静,才能达到远大目标。通过此联揭示了诸葛亮的高尚德操

<<诫子篇 >>

唉..知易行难.. 谈何容易啊..

Monday, November 20, 2006


“当你孤单你会想起谁.. 你想不想找个人来陪..

好像有一点年代久远叻.. 哈哈..
虽然已经很久了.. 我却一直记得它..

你有孤单的时候吗? 当你孤单时你又会想起谁呢?

Friday, November 17, 2006

Dying career.....

Sigh.. Today is Friday..
And Friday is supposed to be beautiful..
However I just can't help to sigh early in the morning..

You know every morning when I step into the office I need to think very hard what I should do to pass my day.. I wondered if I am too efficient or the company's business is so bad that I do not have any critical project at hand.. Well.. there is one very critical one which involved co-development with my HongKee vendor.. but the core part is developed by him and I am just doing some compilation and bugs fixing.. Mmm... to me this type of job is really chicken feed lor..

One of the things I always do in the office now is updating my blog.. you can see that I published quite a number of articles in my blog for the past 2 weeks.. All these are done in the office.. as I have no internet access at home..

Without having to say.. everybody knows that it is time for me to look for a new job now.. well.. another thing I always do in the office early in the morning now is job searching.. The process is very easy.. All I need to do is to open my mailbox, read the jobs being posted to me everyday by JobsDB and JobStreets, reading the job description and click on the "Quick Apply" button to apply for the job I am interested in... I find that it brings even more fun reading the jobs description than doing my normal chores in the office.. hoho... However, I still doubt the effectiveness of using this "Quick Apply" button.. Anyway, I am just testing the market while waiting for my year end bonus in January..

However, I seriously hoped that I would be able to find a job that bring me a lot of money and job satisfactions.. So my frens.. please pray for me.. I would give you a BIG BIG treat if I managed to get one.. Thanks.. hehe..

Thursday, November 16, 2006

谢谢你.. 我的朋友..


”哎呀… 你不要想那么多啦...”

可是我很想问.. 是不是你不去想.. 日子久了就真的自然会没事了呢?
我是一个死心眼的人.. 不容易看得开..

对不起.. 我也不想这样.. 可是性格使然…

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


第一次实施消费税是在1994年.. 当时的税收是3%..
在2004年, 消费税提高至5%...
明年, 也就是2007年, 消费税即将再次上调到7%...

先是汽油价格高居不下, 导致交通业者以运作成本上升为由纷纷调高车资..
现在又得迎接这额外的2%消费税… 日子该怎么过下去啊..

每个月的支出与收入其实只是刚好取得平衡.. 根本没有什么剩余的储蓄…
不管是谁以任何理由涨价.. 对我们来说都是负担…
低收入者能够得到政府协助, 高收入者能应付自如..

Monday, November 13, 2006



才发现原来我们也是分别属于20,30, 40岁..
我们都是单身, 没有男朋友..
日常作息正常.. 没有什么高潮迭起..

突然有一个想法.. 那就是…
“怎么我现在住在尼姑庵吗? 难道这就是所谓的姑婆屋?”
啊!!! 不要啦…
希望那可怕的想法不会成真.. 我还是很想把自己嫁出去的..

读到这里.. 亲爱的看官们.. 有什么好的对像的话..
记得关照关照哦!! ;-)

Thursday, November 09, 2006



收身养性.. 存一点钱..


每天就是上下班, 回家...

朋友都各忙各的... 要找个一起逛街吃饭的人也不容易..
唯一喜欢做的就是聊天.. 但是现在连聊天也不知道要找谁..
生活过得百无聊赖... 好无趣...
没有目标, 没有寄托...

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

What a sleepy day........

Aiyo.. what the hell am I doing..
I am so sleepy today... Until I can hardly open my eyes in the office..

Why am I so tired? What have I been doing for the past few days?
Well.. Last Saturday it was my company's D&D...
I reached home about 1:30am in the midnight and only managed to go to bed at 3am..
But I was not able to sleep well... Remembered I mentioned about the IBS before?
It was giving me trouble again on that night..
I woke up at 6am to go to the toilet (very unwillingly..).. and went back to sleep again..
At 9am I woke up cos of the stomach cramp and went to the toilet again..
This time.. I was not able to go back to sleep...

From then on... it seems that I am not able to recover from the sleepiness..
Oh no.... when can I reveover?


Friday, November 03, 2006


Michelle明天到英国五天, WC很可能会到高雄工作三个星期, LH有机会到美国去却拒绝了, DJ即将在11月中到英国去出差..

想当年我的第一分工作, 我曾经到菲律宾三次, 也曾经到过德国..
当时朋友们都很羡慕我.. (有吗??)
现在已经过了一年多了, 我都没机会到国外出差…
现在该换我来羡慕他们了.. 嘿嘿..

别人怎么样是别人的事.. 他们的成就与机会是靠自己的努力换来的..
真的不必太在意别人的成就.. 没得比较的..

正所谓风水轮流转.. 总有一天你也会有证明你自己的机会的..
所以就耐心的等吧.. 趁这段期间好好充电..


I hate "IBS"

My tummy has been giving me problems for the whole week..
Since Monday, I have been going to toilet more frequent than usual..
About 5 times a day. ..but it was not diarrhea.. however nor was it normal..
I thought that this was because I had taken too much fruits on the previous day..
So I didn't really care about it..

However, the condition didn't improve for the next few days..
And my sleep is affected.. Every morning I am waken up by stomach cramp..
Then I began to suspect something is really wrong..because I was still facing constipation the previous week..

Then I remembered about this term "Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)".. and I start searching the internet for more information... And below is the information I extracted from

  1. crampy pain in the stomach area (abdomen)
  2. painful diarrhea or constipation
  3. swollen or bloated abdomen
  4. the feeling that you have not finished a bowel movement

Some foods make IBS worse:

  • fatty foods like french fries
  • milk products like cheese or ice cream
  • chocolate
  • alcohol
  • caffeine (found in coffee and some sodas)
  • carbonated drinks like soda

The article also mentioned that

"Emotional stress will not cause a person to develop IBS. But if you already have IBS, stress can trigger symptoms."

Hmm.. By looking at the information above, I believe that all along I am having the IBS problem...And I am drinking coffee every morning this week for my breakfast..And recently I faced some stress which might have triggered the symptoms...

(Haha SJ, you must be thinking "Pls lah, what stress you have? We all know you are very 'eng' ok.."OK lor.. I am being stressed for nothing :p )

But I am not going to seek a doctor's help as the ariticle also mentioned that

"IBS has no cure, but you can do things to relieve symptoms. Treatment may involve

  1. diet changes
  2. medicine
  3. stress relief "

So I think I am just going to relief my stress and change my diet a bit to improve the condition..

So... bye bye coffee, bye bye fries, bye bye ice cream.. Btw, I just drank coffee again this morning.. hehe .. :P

Thursday, November 02, 2006


和我熟络的朋友都叫我”Many”.. 叫着叫着也就习惯了..


“Many many years ago, there is a …”

于是在那段期间, 我每天都重复着
“Many many years ago…”
好了.. 报告完毕.. 就是这么简单..


Penny 终于又发专辑了..
那天偶然从收音机里听到了专辑的主打歌曲” 淡水河边”..

她写的词并不华丽, 却很实在..
(其实我听歌都是先听曲, 如果觉得好听才会注意歌词,所以曲的好听程度就不用说了)

我很狼狽的 將我的臉偷偷收起了
我很浪費的 將你的好通通放開了

我很慚愧的 將你的手交給他了

我很狼狽的 將我的眼静静閉上了
我很浪費的 將你的話通通忘記了
我很慚愧的 將你的未來讓給他了

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


这两天突然开窍, 开始享受单身贵族的乐趣:
1. 逛街看电影不必配合别人的时间
2. 爱买什么样的衣服就买怎样的衣服
3. 钱爱怎么花就怎么花
4. 不想化妆就不化,没人在旁边唠叨
5. 每个月节省70巴仙的电话费
6. 想吃就吃,没人嫌你发胖
7. 不想运动就不去, 没人逼你去
8. 没人批评和限制交朋友的自由
9. 不会有人一直在旁拿你和别人比较
10.只需要照顾自己, 烦恼也减少了一半