Monday, January 07, 2008

Happy 2008!!!

Hi.. Long time no see.. Have been very lazy and also busy to update my blog... It's the beginning of year 2008.. No big resolution for the year.. Just wish that I would have some advancement for my career (of course including the pay :p), all my family members stay healthy, and I am going to study again this year.. Wish that I will be able to balance between my work and studies and passed my exams with flying colours.. I wish you guys have a very happy and successful year ahead too..

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Move out? Wait up...

Feel very bored at work recently.. feeling that I am repeating some routime job that has no values... The job nature itself is going nowhere.. I really don't feel like continuing.. however... I am not willing to give up just like that either.. because if I leave now.. I would never know what would I get in return for all the efforts I have put in this year... and I haven't got the chance to voice out and fight for what I want.. I don't even yet have the chance to fight for myself and receive the outcome .. How can I just give up? So..I will just wait up...

Thursday, November 22, 2007

A New Look... Some updates...

You know... As I have spent very little time and effort to maintain my blog.. And I feel quite upset about it actually.. I have decided to give it a new look today by switching to a new template.. Haha... this is the easiest and fastest way to make the blog look a bit different... comparing to sitting in fornt of my computer.. cracking my head to think of what to write for the new post... and enduring the lousy performance of the wireless network connection...

Actually I have been quite relax at work for the past weeks.. Partly because I managed to clear several complicated and time consuming projects off my work list... and another reason is that I am getting demotivated about continuing with the job.. I find it meaningless to continue the job like this.. I need more kicks to keep my going on... otherwise.. I may need to consider the other options.. and in fact I have already started to prepare myself for that posssibility.. it just started this week.. and I hope that I would have the motivation to keep it up... but I know it's difficult.. as I grow older.. I tend to get less self disciplined... I know about it..:-p

Today I have been quite wilful... I saw the guy who I don't really like... or more precisely.. despised.. was eating bee hoon for the breakfast.. and I just can't help saying something nasty to him.. I said: "Hey.. your bee hoon looks liek rubber band leh".. It's a silly comments right?? I know it.. If it were other people.. I think I would not have say it out although this is really what I was thinking at that moment.. But to him.. and today.. I just let it out.. I don't care.. People might think.. "Hey.. how old are you already.. Can't you just be matured a bit?".. Haha.. who cares.. Just want to let the wilful side of me out once a while...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The very french France - Episode 3 (Chateau de Versailles)

My main purpose of visiting Paris this time is to take a look at the famous Chateau de Versailles.. which is also known as 凡尔塞宫 in Chinese... It used to serve as the palace of the French Kings and exixted for nearly 3 centuries, and yet, it is still being regarded as the most beautiful palace in Europe... Before I visited that place.. I was most interested in the Hall of Mirrors... Now.. I still think that this is one of the best part of the palace.. While I was walking along the hall, I can't help imaginging pictures of people dancing in the ball wearing their 18-century constumes.. Here, I shall present you the pictures of the hall...


自从法国回来后,几乎每天在公司里都忙得要命...今天特地提早回家.. 打定主意今晚一定要过得轻轻松松...在洗澡的时候想起工作上一些为完成的部分明天要怎么继续.. 然后又想着待会儿要做些什么.. 想着想着.. 突然有一种如释重负的感觉.. 整个人觉得很轻松愉快... 我想...快乐与否, 幸不幸福都是相对的....

难得悠闲.. 不是因为太忙了.. 反而可能是因为平时本来就不怎么忙.. 根本无法体会那种难得的滋味...

Sunday, October 14, 2007

The very French France - Episode 2 (艳遇?厌遇!)

Haha.. Seems that somebody is very curious if I have any romantic encounter in France.. Sorry to disappoint you guys.. the answer is NO!!! And contradictorily.. I met a very disgusting guy... yuck...

It was on the last day of my stay in France... a very coolling and beautiful morning.. the sun was warm.. and the sky was blue... I was at this beautiful and famous catheral in Paris, Sacre Coeur... alone of couse... and a japanese guy who I thought should be in his 50's and was short and porky.. He approached me and ask me in Japanese if I am "Nihon Jin".. And as I just naturally replied in Japanese "IIe".. and the conversation didn't stop here.. He starts to talk more in his very very broken English and ask if I was in Paris for study or work... where I planned to go later on... blah... blah..blah..... things like that... Out of courtesy.. I replied him in English mixed with my very very broken Japanese... And without paying much attention.. I was walking with him away from the main building and stroll down a road downhill.. (FYI.. the church was very high up in a hill) and half way.. he started to ask me if I wan to have dinner with him.. he told me he is an artist/painter...and was having exhibition in Paris now.. then he pointed to me where his hotel located.. I started to sense something was not going tight.. So I rejected his offer by telling him I was leaving that night and cannot have dinner with him.. and I need to rush to the next destination as I have not much time left.. and before I go.. he showed the gesture to hug me.. well.. as we are in France... I thought this is a courtesy to accept this.. BUT................ I regretted it almost immediately.. this disgusting old man kissed my cheeks... you know in France.. when people hugged you ... they would only touched your cheeks with theirs.. not the lips... they would never kissed you if you are of opposite sex.. walao.. so disgusting...

After I left.. I used the tissue to wipe my face immediately.. It really ruined my beautiful morning.. and I was not able to release the frustration for quite some time... and finally.. I managed to calm down thanks to the artist playing harp in front of the church... and after I came back home.. I used the exfoliator to scrub my face .. this is really and very 讨厌的遭遇.. 厌遇!!!

Nonetheless.. however bad the experience was.. I am going to show you the beautiful Sacre Coeur.. Here it is...........

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The very french France - Episode1

Last week I went to France for a training conducted at the HQ... It was at a small town known as Gemenos, located in Southern France nearby Marseille, the second large city of France... Before my departure, my colleagues had warn me to prepare to be very bored over there since I would not be driving...

And it proved that they were quite right.. There's basically nothing much other than factories around the hotel.. except for 2 other hotels and 2 restaurant..The first 2 days there I already felt very bored.. Luckily there was another colleague from another department who arrived there one week earlier than me.. and as he would be staying for a month, the company had rented him and apartment... So I joined him for dinner at his place... It's really very difficult in France if you do not speak their language.. especially in a small town like this.. If you are not driving.. you may still take the public bus to go the a supermarket nearby .. provided that you knwo how to speak French.. On my first day there, my colleague brought me to the hypermarket abt 20 mins away from the office by bus.. and unlike the buses here in Singapore or Malaysia, the bus did not have a bell.. so you need to tell the bus driver where you want to stop.. of course, in French.. Do not expect a bus driver in such suburban town would understand English... And it happened that my colleaugue knows how to speak French.. So one month here in this "ulu"place is not a problem for him.. If it was me.. Hehe.. I think I would have a big big big problem surviving there...

I was so tired on my first day there.. but this is not due to the different time zone.. they are only 6 hours slower than us.. so if was not really a big problem.. It was the long haul plan that caused the tiredness.. I was taking Air France, I think it is very ridiculous that they actually serve you meal after 12am midnight on the 11pm fight, which I had planned to go into sleep immediately after boarding the plane.. and after taking the meal.. it's nearly 2.. and finally when u really feel teh sleepiness, it's abt 3am already.. and my goodness.. I was not able to get the asle seat.. So I ended up being sandwich between two French guys.. the seat was so cramp that I suffered inside whole night.. the guy who sit by the asle was a very big sized man and he slept through the whole night.. and as if thing had not been bad enough.. he snored!!! Faint...

As a result I was cramped inside the seat enduring the snores and not able to get into sleep.. But it was still not the end.. You know I was supposed to take a connecting flight from Paris to Marseille.. and then I can get back to the hotel with a short break and then go to the office for the training at the afternoon session... there was three hours between the flight and I felt a bit hungry already.. but taking a look at the food sold at the airport.. alamak.. all are in French.. and priced very expensively.. so I thought I would just bear with it and ask for some snacks on the flight.. and sueh sueh.. the flight is delayed by one hr.. so after I reached the hotel ro check in and put down my luggage, I rushed to the hotel immediately.. and I spent some time to find my way to the office.. and of course I am late.. and in the eveningl.. I was already so sleepy and hungry that I did not know what the trainer was talking about...

*Yawn.. I am so tired now.. did not get to sleep well last night.. going to bed soon.. continue again next time.. Bon Nuit...

Friday, September 21, 2007


今天的心情不太好.. 有点闷闷的.. 因为今天是我前任老板在公司的最后一天.. 过了今天以后应该没有什么机会再见到他了.. 认识他的时间太短.. 觉得很可惜...本来应该可以从他身上学到很多东西.. 可惜.. 唉.. 可惜...

我非常欣赏这个老板.. 虽然只当了他的下属短短的四个月... 其间也对他有一些抱怨.. 可是回想起来.. 还是觉得他真的很棒.. 我最欣赏他的地方就是他非常信任下属.. 既然把你请进来了他就不会质疑你的办事能力与工作态度.. 不仅如此.. 他还非常体贴入微.. 能够察觉下属的不愉快并适时的给予慰问与关怀.. 我想这就是本地管理人员所欠缺的素质.. 而我觉得这种以人为本的管理方式才是最能激发员工潜力并且提高工作效率的方法...

无论如何.. 衷心祝福他往后的发展一切顺利.. 希望以后还会有和他碰面甚至是合作的机会.. 也希望我在新老板的领导下能够有所作为...